
Good morning, my dear teachers and friends!

I'm XX.

After XX in the nervous and heavy smokeless battle, we marched relaxed and happy feet entered the university gate, with respect to the high school: the busy and strict learning, course in University of abundant spare time and easily let me confused, not knowing which way to go, sometimes think: "tomorrow to you!" every time I woke up, but I do not know how hard, at this moment, I need to plan the career to guide my direction.

Efforts to identify the direction of before, first of all should be self understanding, avoid going in the wrong direction, through the 360 degree assessment, in the eyes of their parents, I am a clever child; in the eyes of the teacher is a studious student and a serious and responsible class dry; in the eyes of the students is a frank, lively, happy to help others partner; I was a hardworking sensible people in the eyes of the neighbors. I a warm and cheerful, outgoing frank, persistent dream girl, in order to "sunshine after the rain" as the creed, in their own life on the road constantly exploring.

"Interest is the best teacher", I have deep feelings about this sentence. My biggest interest is sports. All people are surprised and suspicious, I still insist on their own decisions. After two years of hard work, I successfully admitted to the university. So in the face of career choice, should first understand their own interests and hobbies. Through the Hollander career evaluation method, know that their professional interest is SEI, like social communication, management, research and exploration.

Comprehensive analysis, I think they are more suitable as a teacher, taking into account their own situation, I would like to go back to the countryside after graduation to be a sports teacher. With economic and social development, people's living standards improve, more and more people realize the importance of health and, recently, the State encourages the national fitness campaign, and for those who think the future development of the undertakings of physical culture and sports of the children should be trained from childhood. There are almost no sports facilities in the countryside, in addition to the elementary and secondary schools, there are a few irregular broken basket and a few cement table tennis table, no other facilities. And the country's physical education class is just a form, just a collection of class, did not teach any useful things. I want to change that situation, I want to let the children experience the fun of sports class, let them in that kind of exam oriented education, learn to relax yourself, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. In order to achieve this goal, I have developed the following small goals:

Short term goal: to expand and strengthen the professional knowledge, to successfully get the basketball referee card, teacher qualification certificate and go to the teacher positions.

Medium term goal: to increase the number of physical education classes and sports facilities construction program and strive to obtain the right to the implementation of the work unit.

Long term goal: to promote the medium-term goal, to lead us to develop the national fitness campaign, increase public sports facilities.

In order to achieve these goals and career, I have to do:

1, serious study. Learning is always the first, as a student, learning is a good cost of all things, as a college student, more time and energy to participate in more activities, although life rich and colorful, but more should be attach importance to learning, handle the study and work, learning and activities. To achieve the goal of learning to make their own knowledge and ability to progress.

2, wait for serious professional knowledge and training: professional courses to learn, including cultural, theory, expand extracurricular knowledge. This is when the teacher's basic requirements. 

3, to maintain good relations of the handover, which would later become assisting, and friends can let me keep a good mood, and as a teacher, must learn how with students, colleagues, superiors to get along, so, it is very important.

4, spare time to learn the knowledge of management.

"The weather is unpredictable". If a link could not because of an error when a teacher, then I will choose the second occupation: Self Employment: a children's clothing store in the country, almost no selling children's clothing store, clothing store just by selling those children, and the style is also very old, with the improvement of living standards also, people pay more attention to their dress, parents often think: "before I was a child when the clothes is not warm, I not only want to let my children wear warm now, but also wear wear beautiful, let it run forward with confidence, the children now put more and more beautiful, but also the beauty of children so, I think a children's clothing store in the country is very promising.

In the 15 years of career development, I want to be full of confidence to fight, to struggle, whether successful or not, as long as I have tried, do not regret it, I firmly believe that: "the sun is always in the wind and rain".

Thank you!


















「标签: 大学生英语演讲稿」
发布时间:2018-06-25 作者:大学生新闻网来源:大学生新闻网 浏览:
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