


  LinkedIn, the job social networking site, has found itself at the center of a sexism storm after it pulled down ad posts of a woman they deemed too attractive to be a real-life web-engineer。职业社交网站邻客音拒绝了一位美丽女士的广告,认为她太过美丽,不能胜任网络工程师一职,由此陷入了一场性别歧视风波。

  The controversy began when developer networking platform Toptal posted a series of advertisements onto LinkedIn aimed at the web-engineering sector。争端起于网络开发平台Toptal针对网络工程部门,在邻客音上发布了一系列广告。

  However, LinkedIn quickly disabled the ads with no explanation and requested images 'related to the product', which caused a furious response from Toptal's CEO。然而,邻客音随即屏蔽了广告,并且没有作出解释,还要求发布与产品内容相关的图片,这引起了Toptal总裁的愤怒。

  'The fact of the matter is: members of the tech community (LinkedIn users) saw it as impossible that our female engineers could actually be engineers, and a leader of the tech community (LinkedIn) agreed with them,' wrote Toptal's CEO, Taso Du Val in a blog post。“事实是:邻客音上的技术人员认为女性工程师不可能成为优秀的工程师,并且他们的一位领导也表示赞成”,Toptal的总裁杜瓦尔在博文中写道。

  At first, Toptal had simply sent the same advertisements back to LinkedIn, including that of Argentinian web developer Florencia Antara, but LinkedIn barred them。起初,Toptal只是向邻客音发回了同样的广告,还包括阿根廷网络开发商佛罗伦萨·安塔拉,但是邻客音把它们拦截了下来。  'Today was a disappointing day at Toptal. We saw extreme sexism within the tech community, from an industry leader and advertising partner that we work with quite extensively: LinkedIn,' wrote Du Val in a post entitled 'In Defence of Female Engineers.'“今天对Toptal来说是灰色的一天。我们在技术领域看到了极为严重的性别歧视,而这种歧视竟然来自这一行业的领军企业,并且是和我们密切的合作伙伴”。杜瓦尔在一篇题为《捍卫女性工程师》的文章中写道。

  In response, a spokesperson for LinkedIn, which bills itself as the 'World's Largest Professional Network', said the ads were rejected in a mistake caused by a review at their customer service team。自诩为全球最大职业社交网站的邻客音的发言人回应说,广告是由于客服组审查错误而被误退的。

  ''While Customer Service was going through a standard process of reviewing LinkedIn Ads, TopTal's ads were rejected in error. We have taken the necessary measures to approve the previously rejected ads, and TopTal can now run them on our platform as intended.'“客服在审查邻客音广告时履行标准程序,TopTal的广告是被错误拒绝的。我们已经采取了必要措施批准之前被拒的广告,TopTal 现在可以把它们放到我们的平台上了。”
    作者:大学生新闻网 来源:大学生新闻网
    发布时间:2024-06-19 浏览: